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Student Activities

KU InfoSec Club

The KU InfoSec club is a student organization registered at the University of Kansas. The club gathers students who are interested in practical aspects of computer and information security, organizes club activities, and trains for cyber defense competitions.

Follow this link to the new club website.

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Join our conversations on Discord for updates on meetings, competitions, security news, etc.

In the news: EECS Team Wins Regional Competition

Students from the University of Kansas School of Engineering earned first place in a cyber defense competition. The KU team, the “JayHackers,” won the inaugural computer security competition at the Central Area Networking and Security Workshop, hosted by KU in late October.


Another news report.

Diversity And Outreach

ITTC Hosts Sixth Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec 2014)

The CANSec workshop brings together researchers and practitioners in security and networking related fields in the central area of the US. It was originally named KanSec (for Greater Kansas Area Security Workshop), and later changed to CANSec as the workshop expanded well beyond the Kansas area. Since spring of 2012, the workshop has attracted attendees from Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc. We have also invited guest speakers from Texas, Indiana, Colorado, South Carolina, Virginia, etc.

The University of Kansas is one of the founding institutions of the KanSec Workshop. Past workshops have been hosted at: (I) Kansas State University, (II) Fort Hays State University, (III) The University of Kansas, (IV) University of Missouri - Kansas City, (V) The University of Arkansas.